Thursday, October 2, 2008


Brisingr or The Seven Promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular is the third book of the inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini, following the books eragon and Eldest. It was released on September 20, 2008. The title means "fire" in the fictional Ancient Language of Alagaesia, and it is also the True Name for Fire, which is the first magic Eragon used in the series. The book sold 550,000 copies on its first day of sale, the most ever for a Random House Children's Book
Plot summary
Eragon, Roran, and Saphira are traveling towards Helgrind, the dwelling place of the Ra'zac, where Roran's betrothed, Katrina, is being held prisoner. Eragon mends the wound that was inflicted on Roran by a Ra'zac in Carvahall as they are camping. Together they infiltrate the fortress and are ambushed by the Ra'zac. Roran kills one of the Ra'zac while the other manages to escape into the depths of Helgrind. Roran rescues Katrina while Eragon finds Sloan, Katrina's father and a traitor to Carvahall, imprisoned. Eragon makes Sloan go to sleep and tells Roran that he is dead.Eragon decides to remain in Helgrind to kill the remaining Ra’zac and deal with Sloan. He tells Saphira to go back to the Varden with Roran and Katrina, which she does, and then he kills the last Ra'zac with ease. Eragon then leaves Helgrind with Sloan and, using Sloan's true name, commands him to travel towards the elves' domain and to never see Katrina again. Then Eragon heads back to the Varden. Meanwhile, Saphira arrives at the Varden's camp without Eragon, so Arya sets off in pursuit of him. Arya finds Eragon traveling south in Eastcroft, and they escape to the Varden together.
Murtagh and his dragon, Thorn, attack the Varden a short time after Eragon’s return, with a small unit of soldiers. Elven spell casters sent by Queen Islanzadi to protect Eragon led by the elf Blodhgarm fight alongside Eragon, forcing Murtagh and Thorn to flee. After the fight, Eragon binds Roran and Katrina together in marriage. Then, Nasuada orders Eragon to attend the election of the new dwarf king to ensure someone favorable to the Varden, insisting Saphira stay behind, which Eragon reluctantly agrees to. Once again among the dwarves, Eragon is reunited with Orik, the new clan chief of Durgrimst Ingeitum, and his wife, Hvedra. In Tronjheim, an assassination attempt on Eragon is found to be the work of the clan Az Sweldin rak Anhuin, who have vowed to oppose Eragon for the rest of their lives. Orik presents evidence of the attempt to the clan-chiefs, who together banish the Az Sweldn rak Anhuin clan into exile. Having won the trust of the dwarves, Orik is elected the new dwarf king. At Orik's coronation, Saphira mends Isidar Mithrim, the rose shaped jewel, which Arya had shattered while rescuing Eragon from the Shade, Durza.
Eragon and Saphira decide to return to Ellesméra to continue their training. Eragon is told by Oromis and Glaedr that Morzan is not his father; Brom is. The next day, Eragon is told the source of Galbatorix's power; an Eldunarí, or heart of hearts, is a dragon's heart, which sometimes contains their consciousness and can exist forever. Glaedr explains that Galbatorix controls hundreds of these, which are the source of his power. They discuss Eragon's need for a new sword as well. Eragon visits Rhunön, the elven blacksmith, whom he asks to forge a new blade. She agrees, only after he retrieves the material needed, brightsteel, from under the Menoa Tree, and Eragon names the sword "Brisingr". When Eragon sets off to return to the Varden, he finds that Oromis and Glaedr are departing as well. Oromis explains that the time has come to oppose Galbatorix alongside Islanzadí. Glaedr gives his Eldunarí to Eragon and Saphira before they part.
Eragon and Saphira return to the Varden, who are engaging in a siege of the city of Feinster, and are reunited with Arya. Eragon and Arya find the leader of the city, Lady Lorana, but discover that her three magicians are attempting to create a Shade. Eragon and Arya race to the magicians, as they transform a man into a Shade. Eragon passes out as Glaedr's Eldunarí shows Eragon the fight between Glaedr and Oromis and Thorn and Murtagh. He sees when Galbatorix takes over Murtagh's body and speaks to Oromis, who dies after suffering a seizure, and he is forced to watch as Glaedr is killed by Thorn shortly thereafter. As Eragon regains consciousness, he and Arya fight the Shade, who falls to the duo. After the successful siege, Nasuada informs Eragon that the Varden plan to march to Belatona, then to Dras-Leona, then to Uru'baen, where they plan to kill Galbatorix

how to validate ur pirated xp

1) Start > run > "regedit" (without the quotes of course)
2) Go to the key:
and double click on it. Then change some of the value data to ANYTHING. Delete some, add some letters. Close regedit.
3) Go to start > run > "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" (again, dont type the quotes)
4) The activation screen will come up, click on register over telephone, then click on CHANGE PRODUCT KEY, enter in this key: update n close the dialogue box.
5) Restart your computer and enjoy the validated XP !!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

When do u get banned in adsense?

How to Get Banned from Google Adsense :
How to Get Banned from Google Adsense- by Fernando HalWith so many people ranting and screaming and crying that Google has disabled their adsense account, it’s really an interesting topic worthy to write about. You might be another one who just got the dreaded “invalid click” account closure email from Adsense team, and furious over it. Relax, mate. Not the end of the world, but it is definitely good to know the reason why you are banned. If you still have your account intact, read this, but as our Uncle Ferdy says: “Don’t try this at home.”Keep in mind that these are HOW TO GET BANNED. In other words, this is a “DO NOT” list if you don’t want your adsense account to be disabled .Ignore Adsense Program Policies & TOS Click on your own ads, specially those you are “genuinely interested” in. Ask people to click on your ads: your friends, your family members, your relatives, your visitors, or even your dogs or your cats. Use proxies to avoid detection. Participate in some form of click-ring. Click-rings are groups of people who gather with consensus to click each others’ ads. Most commonly used methods are Yahoo Groups, instant messenger, mail list, web forum, or specially written software. Buy, write, or use click-bot software. Click-bot software will go around your site and click on your ads. Most of the times, these click-bots are using proxies to avoid detection. Pay the Indian-clickers. These are the people whose main jobs are clicking on PPC advertisements and paid by the malicious publishers. Most of them are from developing countries like India or China. “Invest” with websites that promises to deliver “adsense clicks” for your site. Whatever methods they are using, most likely it falls under one of the aboves. Extra words to make your visitors to notice your ads. Write “Click here” or “Please support us” or “Visit our sponsors”. Anything other than Google-approved “sponsored links” or “advertisements”. Put in as many ads as possible in every page. Put more than three units of the normal ads block, more than one unit of ads links, or more than one referral buttons for each adsense, adwords, and firefox; all in one page. Use spyware to get traffics to your site. Spyware, adware, malware, or whatever it is called can force computer users to open your website everytime they start the computer. Or even better, use some kind of specially written software, toolbar, etc to display or click on your ads. Use pop-ups on your website. Everytime your user open a page, pop-up another one, ideally with the smiley or the IQ Test advertisements. Get as much un-targetted traffic as possible, for instance using the auto-surfing programmes to rotate the members around your site and other sites. Put the adsense code in non-content pages: registration forms, term and condition, login page. Have a competitor contextual ad on same page with adsense ads, for example Yahoo Publisher Network. Please note though that non-contextual ads, e.g. affiliate links or keyword-based ads are acceptable by google and won’t get you banned. Get more than one adsense account. Maybe one for your dog-site, one for your cat-site, one for the v1agra pills, one for mp3 download, etc. Put your adsense code in email the email, usenet, RSS, etc. Tell everyone what is your CTR, your page impressions, etc. Telling people about your total earning, unfortunately, is allowed. Put Google logo where you shouldn’t, and don’t put the logo where you should. In other word, ignore Google trademark. Modify Adsense code as you see fit. Modify the layout, color, URL, will be well. Just anything other than copy-and-paste the code from Google. And, this is important: if and when Google Adsense Team sends you email, ignore it. Put adsense codes in the banned contents * Excessive profanity* Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization* Hacking/cracking content* Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia* Pornography, adult, or mature content* Gambling or casino-related content* Excessive advertising* Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others* Pop-ups, pop-unders or exit windows that interfere with site navigation, obscure Google ads, change user preferences, or are for downloads. Other types of pop-ups, pop-unders, or exit windows may be allowed, provided that they do not exceed a combined total of 5 per user session* Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages* Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site’s search engine ranking, e.g., your site’s PageRank* Incentives (monetary or point-based) to users or third-party beneficiaries for online activity including, but not limited to, clicking on ads or links, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or completing surveys* Sales or promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, ammunition, balisongs, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles* Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol* Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products* Sales or promotion of prescription drugs* Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods

When do u get banned

eCPM -- what exactly is that?
eCPM is a bit of industry shorthand that seems here to stay. You've seen it listed in your AdSense reports; it means, "effective cost per thousand impressions." So how is eCPM calculated, you ask?eCPM is calculated by dividing total earnings by total number of impressions in thousands. It is a great performance measure for your various ad units, so when experimenting, you can use eCPM to compare your results.But what if your site doesn't receive enough impressions to have a large sample size? Even for smaller sites, eCPM can be a useful statistic to track ad performance.For example, let's imagine we have two custom channels named 'Blue Skyscrapers' and 'Red Rectangles', respectively, which reflect the types of ad formats we're testing on our site. During our test, the 'Blue Skyscrapers' channel receives 370 page impressions and $1.48 in total earnings. The 'Red Rectangles' channel receives 187 page impressions and $0.97 in earnings over the same period. To make these figures more comparable we calculate eCPM -- i.e., the estimated earnings for every 1,000 impressions received. We find that eCPM for blue skyscrapers is $4.00 while the eCPM for red rectangles is $5.18.This means if we received 1,000 impressions of blue skyscrapers, we would earn roughly $4.00. But for 1,000 impressions of red rectangles, we would earn about $5.18. Therefore, assuming that our sample size is large enough, it is to our advantage to switch to red rectangles throughout our site because they generate more revenue per impression.